Sarah Palins bi - wheel

Sarah Palins bi - wheel
inner wheel natal - outer: transits

Friday, November 19, 2010

2012 & The Unbearable Wetness of Being

PreviewEssay: The Unbearable Wetness of 2012

By Michael Zizis

2012: A Beginning
I make no secret of my distaste for Sarah Palin and her politics;  a.k.a. - Wolfkill Barbie.

History is the study of tragedy.  History is also the study of the tragic. Societies and cultures are built on the ruins and failures of previous cultures - Anasazi, Mayan, Aztec, Byzantine, Chinese, Easter Island -  etc...

If Sarah Palin runs and wins the office of president in 2012, about a month before December 21, 2012. We will all begin to see and feel how blinding emotion is: the stronger the emotion — the shorter the sight — you did hear it here first.

Newsflash: Turkeys vote for early Thanksgiving.

Sarah says there is no such thing as global warming. She repeats her demagogic cosmetic every time she publicly opens her mouth. Her Horoscope is compelling for the present: transiting Neptune is doing the two step between her Aquarian Sun, Mars & Saturn.

Here are the numbers:

Sun: 23/19' Aquarius
Mars: 23/27' Aquarius
Saturn: 25/12' Aquarius

As of this writing November 15/2010, transiting Neptune is at 25"56' Aquarius. Neptune will enter Pisces for the first time in the Spring of 2011. The illusion of charm will drop from Ms Palin as Neptune finishes up its trek through Aquarius. She will be seen by many more people as Karl Rove in drag, but without the soul. 

Many of my loyal readers will congratulate me on finally becoming a hysteric and a reactionary - You are old — and maybe its time to break a hip Mr. Zizis?

So What's Going to Happen in 2012?
Everything is possible; but only some things are probable. Anything can happen — but based on the continuity of time & Space & Matter, only somethings are likely to happen.

Some will see that humanity's relentless march to the end of 2012, simply means, as I have stated in previous essays, the end of about 300 unusual years of climate stability. The focus here is the rapid melting of Greenland's ice sheet. Scientific illiteracy is something that astrologers politicians and Jane Q. Public simply cannot afford. You ain't pretty, Ms. Palin, you just look that way.

There is an old zen saying that goes: We are all staring at a peacock's asshole."

If you are interested in Ms. Palin's views on global warming, look here:
“Global Warming” – More Like a Snow Job
by Sarah Palin <> on Friday, February 19, 2010 at 3:14am

The central tenet of this essay is an astonishing and frightening article appearing in today's NYTimes ~
As Glaciers Melt, Science Seeks Data on Rising Seas

By JUSTIN GILLIS Published: November 13, 2010



Mr. Gillis points out that Greenland's ice cap is rapidly melting, at a level that should sound alarms all over the world.

" As a result of recent calculations that take the changes into account, many scientists now say that sea level is likely to rise perhaps three feet by 2100 — an increase that, should it come to pass, would pose a threat to coastal regions the world over.

And the calculations suggest that the rise could conceivably exceed six feet, which would put thousands of square miles of the American coastline under water and would probably displace tens of millions of people in Asia.

The scientists say that a rise of even three feet would inundate low-lying lands in many countries, rendering some areas uninhabitable. It would cause coastal flooding of the sort that now happens once or twice a century to occur every few years. It would cause much faster erosion of beaches, barrier islands and marshes. It would contaminate fresh water supplies with salt."  

So why vote Barack out {assuming he still wants the world's worst job} and vote Sarah in? She's pretty, ain't she?

Here is Sarah & The Huffington Post on her 'Climategate' claims:

{Huffington Post   |  Katherine Goldstein First Posted: 12- 4-09 08:59 AM   |   Updated: 03-18-10 05:12 AM}

So while you are wondering why so & so doesn't like you, and while I am wondering why Faber & Faber Publishers don't like me - our world will go to soggy hell.
I like to think I am a thinking human being. So For the last five years I have been wondering what would happen if most of Greenland's glaciers would melt.

Goodbye coastal cities:

1. Miami, Florida, USA
Miami is the seventh largest city in the United States, so any abrupt sea change here would impact the lives of millions. Average elevation? Just six feet.
A Miami blogger, citing a July 2009 New Scientist article, wrote recently that even rapid action to decelerate climate change is unlikely to prevent an inevitable swallowing up of Miami by the sea. Instead, he argued, the only logical plan B for the city is to stop building in vulnerable areas…which is almost everywhere.

2. Venice, Italy
Venice is known as the city of water for good reason. Since 1897, the mean sea level around Venice has increased by three inches. That may not sound like much over a period just a shade longer than a century, but coupled with the phenomenon of sinking land, the public television show NOVA has referred to Venice as a city under environmental siege.

3. New York, New York, USA
What would New York City be like under water? Scientists predict that we may find out far sooner than anyone expected. According to this article from Science Daily, “Global warming is expected to cause the sea level along the northeastern U.S. coast to rise almost twice as fast as global sea levels during this century,” putting New York City at particular risk.

4. Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.
Mumbai is one of the world’s most densely populated cities, which makes predicted sea change effects here particularly frightening. Besides the fact that many parts of the city are just 46 feet above the Arabian Sea, Mumbai is known to have a poor drainage system and – as if that wasn’t enough–it’s located in a major seismic zone.

Low elevation+poor drainage+seismic zone+rising sea levels= inevitable disaster.

5. Singapore
Singapore was accurately described by The New York Times in 2007 as “surrounded by sea and almost pancake flat.” Though its highest peak is 540 feet above sea level, the vast majority of inhabited space is just a few feet above sea level. The inevitable slip into the sea is being addressed by the government, which has reached out to Dutch dam-building experts to help reinforce the Singaporean sea wall.

6. New Orleans, Louisiana, USA
The vulnerability of New Orleans to the whims of the ocean was laid painfully bare by Hurricane Katrina. The highest point in the city is only six feet above sea level, and being surrounded by water, the future of the city in the event of even a minimal sea level rise is likely to be catastrophic.

7. Osaka, Japan
How’s this for a sobering statistic? The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change predicted that a mere one meter rise in sea levels “would swallow about 90% of the sandy beaches in Japan and 100% of the sandy beaches in

8. Tampa/St. Pete, Florida, USA
Sea levels in Tampa/St. Pete have been rising at a clip of an inch a decade since the 1940s.

9. Dhaka, Bangladesh
Dhaka, Bangladesh’s capital, is another one of the world’s 10 most populated cities and one of its most low-lying.

10. Tokyo, Japan
At just 16 feet average above sea level, Tokyo rounds out the list of the world’s cities that are deemed most vulnerable to rising sea levels caused by climate change.

As an act of kindness  — please forward this essay onto your American contacts.


Michael Zizis

96 Benson Ave.,

Toronto- M6G 2H8

ph: 416/651-0096
